Rick and Morty is Adult Swim's most scientifically accurate animated comedy. Created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, it follows the bizarre misadventures of a scientific genius-drunkard and his socially awkward grandson with wonderfully dark humor.
The season 3 finale stinger featured fan favorite, Mr. Poopybutthole. We wrote a tear-jerker of a backstory about his year, littered with easter eggs for the happy human holiday, Thanksgiving. The entire piece was illustrated and animated in-house and got approval from Justin himself. We even scored a custom score from show composer, Ryan Elder.
With no paid media, we became the number one organic trending YouTube video on Thanksgiving day, gaining 4 million views in twenty-four hours. We earned heaps of organic press and set the internet ablaze with fan theories and commentary across all platforms.
Vice • This New Thanksgiving-Themed 'Rick and Morty' Clip Is Bizarrely Touching
Gizmodo • This New Rick and Morty Short Will Actually Make You Cry
AV Club • At Last, Rick And Morty Reveals Mr. Poopybutthole's backstory
Mashable • This 'Rick and Morty' Thanksgiving Video is the Gift that Keeps On Giving
Highsnobiety • Watch a New Emotional ‘Rick and Morty’ Season 3 Post-Credits Scene